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Arba Minim Order Form 5784

Dear Fellow Members,

The holiday of Sukkot is around the corner.  The Torah instructs us that on Sukkot we are to take the Arba Minim – the four species – Lulav (Palm branch), Etrog (Citron), Hadasim (Myrtle branches) and Aravot (Willow branches).  As a service to our members, the SSTC will again be selling Lulav and Etrog sets.  These sets come in three categories – Basic, Select and Deluxe – the difference being primarily in the beauty of the Etrog.

Please see the timeline for your orders below:
  1. Friday, September 1: Kindly complete the form below and submit payment. No order will be processed without payment. As was the practice last year, we will not be ordering any additional sets beyond those ordered by the members, so we encourage you to take advantage of this convenient service in the timeframe mentioned.
  2. Thursday, September 28: Lulav and etrog sets will be available for pick-up in the shul social hall on Thursday, September 28th from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM. If you cannot make it during this time, please contact the shul office (karen@suburantorah.org).
  3. Friday, October 6:  Aravot for Hoshanot will be distributed on Hoshana Raba, Friday, October 6.

To pay by check, first log into your shul account. Then on the next page choose 'Bill To Account'.

If you have any questions, please call the synagogue office.
Shana tova u'metuka and chag sameach!
Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784