Sefarim in honor of Rabbi Moshe A. Kasinetz a'h
In honor of the first Yarzheit of our shul's founding Rabbi, Rabbi Moshe A. Kasinetz A'H, which falls on 18 Tevet (January 18 2025), we will be purchasing many sefarim for our shul's Beit Medrash in his honor and memory. In keeping with his love of Torah learning, and passion for teaching and spreading Torah throughout the community, we felt it an appropriate tribute to ensure that our shelves are kept full of the highest quality, easily accessible, and most inspiring books.
The last time SSTC ran a sefarim campaign was ten years ago, and while we are blessed to have many wonderful sefarim, there is still room to greatly improve the breadth of Torah resources that we can offer to our community. Our goal is to purchase a varied array of individual titles, as well as a number new sets, including classic commentaries, contemporary insights, Halachic guides and other resources to help our members grow in Torah learning.
With great appreciation to our many donors, so far we have added the following to our growing library, in honor of Rabbi Kasinetz A'H:
- Arba Turim/The Tur
- Artscroll Mishna Elucidated
- Ba'al HaTurim on Chumash (Artscroll)
- Ben Ish Chai
- Chumash Meoras HaRav (R' Soloveitchik)
- Covenant & Conversation (R' Sacks)
- Ketuvim - The Writings (Artscrol with English)
- Lessons in Tanya
- Lights Along the Way (R' Twerski)
- Meam Loez (Hebrew)
- Midrash Raba on Megillos (Artscroll)
- Mishna Berura Dirshu Ed.
- Ohr HaChaim on Chumash (Artscroll)
- Ohr HaChaim (Hebrew)
- Ramban on Chumash (Artscroll)
- Shas Bavli (Menukad)
- Steinsaltz Tanya
- Steinsaltz Tanakh
- Shulchan Aruch
- Strive For Truth
- The Rebbe's Likkutei Sichos (English)
- Torah Chumash
To dedicate one or more Sefarim in honor of Rabbi Kasinetz A'H, please complete the form below.