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Youth Programs


We are no longer able to accept Matanot L'Evyonim donations online. 


Halachic Summary

  • One is obligated to give to two different poor people (one gift to each poor person) on Purim day. Donations to SSTC for Matanot L'Evyonim will be distributed by Rabbi Proops, thereby fulfilling your obligation.

  • The Minhag is to give enough for a small meal (the recommendation is two gifts of $15), however the Mishna Berura (694:3) explains that this obligation to give one gift to two people is only to fulfill the lowest level of the obligation. One should therefore try to give as much Tzedakah as possible on the day of Purim “for there is no greater Simcha than bringing joy to a poor person".

  • The actual amount of Matanot L’Evyonim should not be given from Ma’aser money. However, anything that is added to this amount may be given from Ma’aser money.

  • Both men and women are obligated to give Matanot L’Evyonim (a married couple must each give separately to each fulfill the mitzvah). 

Mishloach Manot

Halachic Summary

  • Two portions of food or drink should be sent to one person on the day of Purim. 
  • The food included in Mishloach Manot should be something that is ready to be eaten and does not require preparation.
  • Gifts should be given during the day of Purim before one has Purim Seudah.
  • Both men and woman are obligated in Mishloach Manot. It is best if each spouse sends their own Mishloach Manot, rather than only sending combined.
  • One cannot fulfill this obligation through sending money or other non-food items.
  • Contributing to the Shul Mishloach Manot fundraiser does not fulfill one's Mitzvah Obligation and therefore a gift of at least two foods must be given on the day of Purim as well. 



  • The Megillah must be heard in its entirety once at night, and once in the morning.
  • On Motzei Shabbat, Havdalah is made after hearing the Megillah.
  • Those listening should stand for the Brachot. During the reading, one should have in mind to fulfill the mitzvah of Kriyat HaMegillah.
  • While listening to the Megillah, it is important to hear every single word clearly. 
  •  Talking is prohibited from when the Ba’al Korei starts the Brachot until the Bracha is recited after the Megillah. If one did talk while the Megillah is being read, one's obligation is fulfilled, as long as all the words were heard.
  • If one did not hear a word, they should immediately read from where they missed and catch up to the Ba’al Korei.
  • Women are obligated to hear the Megillah.
  • During the daytime reading, when responding Amen to the Bracha of Shecheiyanu, one should have in mind all the other Mitzvot of the day.










  • Both men and woman are obligated to have one meal on the day of Purim.

  • One should have in mind to fulfill the mitzvah of Seudat Purim, which is to remember the miracles that came through the Seudot of Esther. 

  • It is customary to light candles without a Bracha, eat meat and drink wine at the Seudah although obligatory, however one should eat bread. The Mitzvah to drink wine is during the Seudah itself. The Rama (Rav Moshe Iserles z'l) says one can fulfill this by drinking a little more than usual until he falls asleep.

  • The Seudah should start before sunset (7:14PM) and the main course should be served before nightfall (7:55PM).

  • In Birkat HaMazon, Al Hanisim is added even if the Seudah finishes after dark (as long as Maariv has not been said).

Wed, January 15 2025 15 Tevet 5785